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Re: LRO Peterborough 8/9 Sept

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 9:09 pm
by Flo109
Hi Robin
I only joined about 3 weeks ago!. just come back from france, but if you want me to bring my Series 2a marshall ambulance and put her on the stand it wont be a problem, i only live an hour away.
kind regards

Re: LRO Peterborough 8/9 Sept

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 6:55 pm
by RMS
Mark, you have a PM :cheers:


Re: LRO Peterborough 8/9 Sept

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 8:25 pm
by RMS
Right, unlike Eastnor where we were struggling to get more than one Classic Camper on the stand :thud: only two weeks later we will have a potentially full stand at Peterborough :gold:

The confirmed list (see edited first post) includes 6 Carawagons :nana1: , one Dormobile (well, someone's got to serve the icecreams :neener: ) and a Marshall Ambulance Camper :tiphat:

I plan on getting there early to mark out our territory and only then will I be able to work out just how we'll be able to fit 8 campers with awnings/tarps on the tiny stand they have allocated to us!!

I'm looking forward to it anyway as it is the last big Land Rover show of the season - let's hope the weather holds out for us.

See you there on Friday/Saturday :cheers:


Re: LRO Peterborough 8/9 Sept

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 11:12 pm
by RMS
Yet another fantastic weekend :cheers:

We ended up with a reasonable sized pitch in the end, much bigger than it looked on the plan, even if a couple of traders sneaked their caravans on to the back of our pitch! So, plenty of room for us all, especially as none of us used separate tents. We also had an S2C ticket holder who wanted to set up with us, hence the 9 outfits for 8 passes :neener:

No prizes this time, but a great time was had by all, I think, and we ended up with the following on the stand:
Me - S2A Carawagon
Steve - S2A Carawagon
Patrick - S3 Carawagon
John - S3 Military Carawagon
Dave - S2A Carawagon
Trev - S2A Carawagon
Mick - S2A Dormobile
Phillip - S2A SW with roof tent
Brad (RomanyRose) - S2A with rear awning

What a fantastic turnout for LRCC :gold: though unfortunately there was a space where Flo109, the Marshall Ambulance camper, should have been :stars:
Mark rang on Friday to say Flo was blowing water out so he suspected a blown head gasket. However, Mark & Cat did manage to come as day visitors on Saturday and stayed for our traditional Kefta which was supplemented with a lovely chicken tagine made by John :tiphat:

The weather was fantastic the whole weekend, meaning great firepit action with very little wind so no windbreaks and no swirling smoke like we've sometimes had!

We had clear blue skies all three days, with temperatures up to the mid 20s, though the night time temp did get down to 6C!!

The visitors flocked in, and despite our pitch being slightly off the main drag we were still kept busy all day on both days.
In fact, we were probably busier than many of the other club stands which were set well away from the trade stands! At least we got passing traffic :neener:
As usual we had to sneak away between visitors to have a look around the show, which seemed to be well attended with a good mix of trade and autojumble stalls.

Here's just one picture of the stand (sorry, it was bright and I couldn't see my phone display so cut off Steve's flag!).
It doesn't show all of the vehicles - perhaps someone else has some more pics they would like to post?

Re: LRO Peterborough 8/9 Sept

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:22 am
by DanC
Looks good Robin and a good turnout!! May join you for one of these next year, I officially collect the Wagon on the 28th and then will reveal it to the forum.....

Re: LRO Peterborough 8/9 Sept

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 7:12 pm
by Stuey
Good stuff Robin,
I'm looking at next year taking a more active part in the shows, as It is kind of hard when I'm working in Dorset!

Re: LRO Peterborough 8/9 Sept

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 7:24 pm
by RMS
Thanks Dan & Stuey :tiphat:

Just think, another two Carawagons on the stand and we'd have had an all-time record, I think :gold:

The next big one is Driffield next May, so you've got plenty of time to get ready :whistle:


Re: LRO Peterborough 8/9 Sept

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 11:19 pm
by romanyrose
G'day chaps, i would just like to say a big thank you to all the help beer and banter that i received at this event which went on your stand till the early hours :cheers: it was great my warped sence of humour didn't up set any one if fact it probably helped the beer slide down better :wink: .

What did make my weekend although i was without my best pal my ST Bernard was the chap next to me snored just like my dog :laugh: even though names will not be mentioned i have to thank this fellow member for making me feel i was still at home with my best pal :roll: and the fact he was sleeping higher than me and in a tent was a good thing because i sleep with my St Bernard normally with my arms around her :whistle: .

So to all you chaps i met for the first time and maybe the last :shrug: i thank you with a special thanks to Robin who made my weekend for getting me in i owe you one big time :wine: .

Catch you later. R-Rose :tiphat: .

Re: LRO Peterborough 8/9 Sept

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 9:31 am
by RMS
Thanks Brad,

We were all really pleased you could make it - the weekend was made even more enjoyable with you there :tiphat:

Oh, and why do you think the snorer was put at the bottom of the stand :laugh: (Just kidding Phil :wink: )

I'm pleased you made it home ok, even if it was via the M25 :laugh:

You were so busy chatting away over at the S2C stand on Sunday that we didn't get a chance to help you pack up, but I made sure Jonny & Pete knew that you might want help - salt of the earth that family :cheers:
Just a shame you weren't able to follow anyone to the A1 - then you might have gone North instead of South :whistle:

We must remember next time to make sure you have someone to follow :cheers:


PS. Did you see the post about the Newark show in November? It's free and not very far for you.
Just let me know if you want to go and I'll sort out your application unless Jaynie can do it? Deadline is 28th Sept!
I won't be there - jetting off on holiday that weekend, but I'm hoping others will make it.