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Billing, 26-28th July

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 11:22 am
by RMS
Hi guys,

We've got confirmation that we have a show stand at the Billing Land Rover Fest on 26-28th July.

We have 8 vehicle passes so if anyone wants to go, please PM me :cheers:

This is a 3 day event, and priority will be given to those who can make all three days (setup on Thursday 25th before 9pm, or before 9AM on Friday 26th).


Re: Billing, 26-28th July

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 11:16 pm
by jerryd
Can we have some pics of a "Convoy of Carawagon's" doing the off road course please :wink:

I used to like this event and went every year when living in the uk.

Re: Billing, 26-28th July

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 11:33 pm
by RMS
Hi Jerry,

We don't usually do the off-road course at these events as it means striking camp and battening down the hatches!

A bit easier when you're a single unit camping, but we tend to set up 'tarp city' across all the awning poles :stars:

I suppose we ought to do it at one of them, but if you want a taster, I assume you've seen our youtube video?



Re: Billing, 26-28th July

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 9:38 pm
by Flo109
Hi Robin,

Count me and Cat in for the billing show, We will be there thursday night.

kind regards

Re: Billing, 26-28th July

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 10:53 am
by RMS
Thanks Mark :cheers:

Come on guys, so far we've only got 3 confirmed for this one :aaagh:


Re: Billing, 26-28th July

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 1:11 pm
by romanyrose
G day Robin, as much as I would like to be with the lads on a camp I have yet to get settled and continue tinkering with my truck or trucks even so I can just get away which I miss greatly but I will get there in time.

Although it might appear my situations are now solved with me being at my bungalow I have still got a good way to go to get any sort of normality back in my life :cactus: but I will get there just not fast enough but the thought of sitting round a camp fire keeps me focused if only very slowly with the way I work.

Catch you later. R-Rose :tiphat: .

Re: Billing, 26-28th July

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 1:24 pm
by RMS
Hi Brad,

No problem - though we will miss you and your cold beans, rice pudding and tinned fruit :gold:

Perhaps another workshop meet might be a good idea - I know there's a limited amount that can get done in one day, but it might help :shrug:
We could even have a camp fire in the evening :cheers:

If you're up for it, I could suggest a couple of dates between shows to see who's available?

Look after yourself,

Re: Billing, 26-28th July

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 1:28 pm
by dudley
hi robin

i would like to be included for the billing show please

let me know if you need payment



Re: Billing, 26-28th July

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 1:40 pm
by RMS
Hi Phillip, you're already on the list :cheers:

No payment is needed for the big shows - the club stands are free as we are part of the attraction for the public :gold:

Though I do feel that if we don't put on a good show (that means a good number on the stand) we might not be offered a stand next time, hence me pushing folk to come :tiphat:

Unfortunately, it doesn't look like Patrick will make it, and Steve will be out of the country, so the famous 4 won't be setting up tarp city at this show :embarassed:

The management did tell me they had bumped a couple of stands this year as although they asked for the full 8 pass allocation, they only had 3 or 4 vehicles on their stands :thud:


Re: Billing, 26-28th July

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 3:34 pm
by RMS
3 weeks to go and only three confirmed attendees :thud:

Come on guys, this is a free event, and another chance to get away for a weekend.

If you are at all interested, please let me know ASAP :cheers:
